wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad
'God has not created any disease without also creating its cure except old age' - wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad
God causes laughter and tears
"And it is He (God) who causes laughter and tears." Quran 54:43
God's court will not discriminate
God's court will not discriminate based on race, color, sex, or mere verbal affiliation to a religion
Prayer, worship, charity, and fasting are all for God
Prayer, worship, charity, and fasting are all for God, not to earn the praise of people
God meets your needs every day, not weekly or annually
God meets your needs every day, not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed.
God has beautiful Names that describe Him
God has beautiful Names that describe Him like the Most Merciful, the Forgiver of Sins, and the Acceptor of Repentance.
God is merciful to ALL of His creation
God is merciful to ALL of His creation: He made them, He feeds them, He cares for them. All He wants is that they worship Him.
Faith in God
A man who has faith in God does not worry when the world tries to pull him down because he knows God's hand is holding him up!
God said, 'My mercy precedes My wrath.'
God said, 'My mercy precedes My wrath.' (Sahih Muslim)
worry ends when faith begins
Those who happily leave everything in God's hand, will eventually see God's hand in everything because worry ends when faith begins
Nothing is like God
Nothing is like God. He has no family, wife, son, helper, aid, or assistant.
God manages your affairs and does not need any advice from you
God manages your affairs and does not need any advice from you. With God in charge, everything will work out fine in the end.
Always look upon yourselves as God's servants
Always look upon yourselves as God's servants, placed in God's world, to do God's work by serving Him and His creation.
To be alone with God in prayer is the best remedy
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to be alone with God in prayer.
Having Allah with you means sailing in a ship that no storm can destroy
Having Allah with you does not mean sailing in a sea without waves. Having Allah with you means sailing in a ship that no storm can destroy. Learn more about Allah here...
God bringing the best out of you
Fruits are squeezed for juice, diamonds come from pressure. If you are being pushed in life, it's just God bringing the best out of you
Osoul Global Center
Who is Allah?
No matter how accumulated the clouds of suspicions to prevent the truth light from reaching the insights, the fact that this universe has a creator will remain firm and undeniable in the hearts. It is a fact uttered by every atom of the universe and every human emotion that is deeply rooted in his heart. Man longs for an Exalted creator who subjugated his servants and predestined their affairs. It is a matter that no one may disclaim. Here we tell you about that fact and reflect with you on its evidence around us.
Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
Tell Me About God
In this lecture at King's College London, Hamza Andreas Tzortzis addresses three main topics. The first is an existential point and involves the absurdity of life without God. If we can't answer the fundamental questions in life then can we ever be happy? The second topic was that God is a reality. Hamza introduces how God's existence is self evident and addresses the concept of a properly basic belief, which means that the believer in God is intellectually justified in his or her belief even without inductive or deductive evidence. This is similar to the axiom that the world is real. He then introduces the argument from consciousness by arguing that materialistic accounts of phenomenal states (subjective conscious experiences) are incoherent. He concludes by asserting that theism is a coherent and comprehensive explanation for phenomenal states. Hamza closes this topic by speaking about the Quranic argument for God's existence. Which involves assessing the possible logical explanations that explain the emergence of the universe. The last topic that Hamza addresses is based on the fact that God wants to liberate our hearts and minds. We are all slaves to context. We never chose our DNA, parents, social economic circumstances in which we were brought up, names, siblings, gender, social pressure, etc. The only way to truly liberate ourselves from this slavery is to be at service to God and to worship Him as he deserves to be worshipped, because He created you and knows you better than you know yourself, and He knows what is really good for you.