• NewMuslimGuide
    My Lord is Allah

    Allah Almighty says: {O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, so that you may become righteous}[Ch. 2, Verse 21] He also says: {He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity}[Ch. 59, Verse 22] He also says: {There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing}.[Ch. 42, Verse 11] • Allah is my Lord and the Lord of all things, the Possessor, the Creator, the Provider, the Disposer of everything. • He alone is worthy of being worshiped. There is no lord or god other than Him. • To Him belong the excellent names and sublime attributes which He established for Himself and the Prophet established for Him. They are at the pinnacle of perfection and beauty. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

    My Lord is Allah
  • GuideToIslam
    How did the Creation begin?

    Have you ever asked yourself, how did everything begin? What is the origin of this universe? What is the origin of life on Earth? Certainly, scientists have been searching for logical answers to these questions … But.. What are the results of this research? What did they come up with? In this video, you will find logical answers to all the questions that you have in your mind ever since you were a child… Watch now..

    How did the Creation begin?
  • Osoul Global Center
    Osoul Global Center
    Who is Allah?

    No matter how accumulated the clouds of suspicions to prevent the truth light from reaching the insights, the fact that this universe has a creator will remain firm and undeniable in the hearts.  It is a fact uttered by every atom of the universe and every human emotion that is deeply rooted in his heart. Man longs for an Exalted creator who subjugated his servants and predestined their affairs. It is a matter that no one may disclaim. Here we tell you about that fact and reflect with you on its evidence around us.

    Who is Allah?
  • Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
    Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
    Tell Me About God

    In this lecture at King's College London, Hamza Andreas Tzortzis addresses three main topics. The first is an existential point and involves the absurdity of life without God. If we can't answer the fundamental questions in life then can we ever be happy? The second topic was that God is a reality. Hamza introduces how God's existence is self evident and addresses the concept of a properly basic belief, which means that the believer in God is intellectually justified in his or her belief even without inductive or deductive evidence. This is similar to the axiom that the world is real. He then introduces the argument from consciousness by arguing that materialistic accounts of phenomenal states (subjective conscious experiences) are incoherent. He concludes by asserting that theism is a coherent and comprehensive explanation for phenomenal states. Hamza closes this topic by speaking about the Quranic argument for God's existence. Which involves assessing the possible logical explanations that explain the emergence of the universe. The last topic that Hamza addresses is based on the fact that God wants to liberate our hearts and minds. We are all slaves to context. We never chose our DNA, parents, social economic circumstances in which we were brought up, names, siblings, gender, social pressure, etc. The only way to truly liberate ourselves from this slavery is to be at service to God and to worship Him as he deserves to be worshipped, because He created you and knows you better than you know yourself, and He knows what is really good for you.

    Tell Me About God
  • GuideToIslam
    An Amazing Coincidence

    O great coincidence ..! Coincidence, mathematical possibilities and even laws are just a description of the events but they do not create events themselves and create nothing - as well as coincidence does not carry information that adjust relevance, purpose and function (every part of the universe and each part of the genetic and the cell to the other parts of the body are created by Allah the Creator).

    An Amazing Coincidence
  • Osoul Global Center
    Osoul Global Center
    Al-‘Ali The Highest : The Names of Allah

    The One Who is above and exceeds all others. The Most High, above whom there is nothing higher.

    Al-‘Ali The Highest : The Names of Allah
  • theMercifulServant channel
    theMercifulServant channel
    "Allah" Mentioned in the Bible

    In this video, Sheikh Yusuf Estes gives a linguistic analysis of the word “Allah”. The word “Allah” in itself is the beauty of Islam, “Allah” does not mean God, as God in Arabic is Illah… but when we speak about the one and only God, the God of all Prophets, the one who is worthy of worship, the word “Allah” is the only proper word. There are also proofs in the English translation of the Bible and the Old Testament that the word Allah means the one and only God.

    "Allah" Mentioned in the Bible
  • Website of the Deenshow
    Website of the Deenshow
    Happy Muslims in Islam!

    In this episode, Br. Eddie discusses the Islamic prospective of happiness after the rapid spread of the song of William Pharrell “Happy” and shows.

    Happy Muslims in Islam!