• Save souls
    Save souls
    Is Jesus God?

    scientific and logical points to discuss with the intellectuals. Jesus is that interesting figure Around which people`s faith is centered.  Some of them exaggerated in loving him and worshipped him instead of Allah, they are the Christians.

    Is Jesus God?
  • GuideToIslam
    How to Say the Shahada ?

    Converting to Islam is easy. This video explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam

    How to Say the Shahada ?
  • Osoul Global Center
    Osoul Global Center
    Who is Allah?

    No matter how accumulated the clouds of suspicions to prevent the truth light from reaching the insights, the fact that this universe has a creator will remain firm and undeniable in the hearts.  It is a fact uttered by every atom of the universe and every human emotion that is deeply rooted in his heart. Man longs for an Exalted creator who subjugated his servants and predestined their affairs. It is a matter that no one may disclaim. Here we tell you about that fact and reflect with you on its evidence around us.

    Who is Allah?
  • GuideToIslam
    Women in Islam

    How was the status of the woman in the past? She was a commodity to be bought and sold, disrespected and dishonored. She was sold just like an animal or a piece of furniture; she was forced to get married or to commit adultery.

    Women in Islam
  • Osoul Global Center
    Osoul Global Center
    Quran's Message for Humanity

    The Quran... The Book of the Absolute Truths.  Among the hundreds of millions of books in the world, there is only one book that  it cannot be proven false from any angle... the book is free and is available on the Internet translated into your language whatever it is ... and whatever you may have heard about it, reading it is an experience that you cannot imagine except when you go through it ... in this video we will give you a small idea about it ... a drop of a sea ... but it will be enough to motivate you to go through the experience.

    Quran's Message for Humanity
  • GuideToIslam
    Who is Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam?

    Who is Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam?  Do you think that Muslims consider him a God ? Or a son of God ? On the contrary, Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad is a human being, he is sent by God with a divine revelation, like the prophets before him: like Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus. This video clip introduces the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, we hope that every seeker of truth reflect upon it with his heart and mind.

    Who is Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam?
  • AbuArish Office
    AbuArish Office
    The Rapid Growth of Islam

    Studies indicates that Islam had spread through the world very rapidly and continues to do so until now. Thousands of people in many countries embrace Islam, according to several Western sources.

    The Rapid Growth of Islam
  • AbuArish Office
    AbuArish Office
    Neighbors in Islam

    Neighbors have extremely important status in Islam. Islam commands Muslims to show hospitality towards their neighbors.

    Neighbors in Islam
  • Sherif Elaraby
    Sherif Elaraby
    Who is Allah: Understanding God in Islam

    “Allah" is the Arabic word for the one true God in Islam. The word "Allah" is the same word that Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use.

    Who is Allah: Understanding God in Islam
  • GuideToIslam
    An introduction to Islam: The meaning of the word Islam

    A brief introduction to the meaning of Islam, the notion of God in Islam, and His basic message to humanity.

    An introduction to Islam: The meaning of the word Islam
  • GuideToIslam
    Give Me A Reason To Be A Muslim

    Animation With Interesting Voice Over Explaining Ten Reasons For Non-Muslims To Embrace Islam, Urging Them To Know It, And Drawing Attentions To Its Distinctive Points Such As Being The Religion Harmonious With Human Nature.

    Give Me A Reason To Be A Muslim