Beautiful Moral & Spiritual Teachings of Islam
Islam is a complete way of life, a religion that provides clear guidance to its followers on how to conduct themselves in their daily lives.
Spiritual Teachings of Islam
Islam is a complete way of life, a religion that provides clear guidance to its followers on how to conduct themselves in their daily lives.
Life After Death (part 1 of 2)
Not only does Islam explain the purpose of life, but it also speaks clearly about life after death and how this life and the next one are related.
Life After Death (part 2 of 2)
Not only does Islam explain the purpose of life, but it also speaks clearly about life after death and how this life and the next one are related.
Introduction to Islam - part one
Islam is to believe in and to worship The One True God (“Allah” in Arabic) alone, and to accept Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His final Messenger.
Introduction to Islam - part two
One of the main beauties of Islam is that it acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises.
What is the Purpose of Life? - part one
One of the first questions that comes to mind when considering our purpose of life is, “where did we come from?” Are we here based on random natural coincidences or is there a higher intelligent being, a creator? Acknowledging the existence of a creator is the first step in understanding our true purpose in life.
What is the Purpose of Life? - part two
God sent thousands of Prophets, at least one to every nation, with the same message: to worship God alone and to follow His guidance. They included Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
About Islam I
Islam is a natural and complete way of life. It encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with their Creator (God).
About Islam II
The Day of Judgment is the inevitable event when each one of us will stand before our Creator and be questioned about our good and bad deeds. Every one of our actions will be accounted for, regardless of size.
Islam Q&A
The message of Islam is simple: to believe in and to worship The One True God alone, and to accept Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His final Messenger. The word “Islam” means submission to God, and its followers are known as Muslims, who can be from any racial or ethnic background.
Prophet Muhammad and women's rights
'Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God's trust and with His permission.' - Prophet Muhammad.
Islam Q&A II
Death is the passage from this brief life into the next eternal life. Each person will be resurrected to be held to account on the Day of Judgement.
Atheism: An Islamic Perspective
This pamphlet introduces the Islamic perspective for believing in God. It explains how God provides signs of His existence – both through His natural creation and through revelation, and clarifies common questions by atheists.
Atheism: An Islamic Perspective II
This pamphlet introduces the Islamic perspective for believing in God. It explains how God provides signs of His existence – both through His natural creation and through revelation, and clarifies common questions by atheists.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Muslims believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Prophet in a long chain of Prophets sent to call the people to the obedience and worship of God alone (‘Allah’ in Arabic). Some of these Prophets include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus (peace be upon them all).
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) II
A companion who served Muhammad (peace be upon him) for ten years said that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was always gentle in his dealings with him.
Jesus: A Prophet of God I
This pamphlet aims to clarify the issues surrounding Jesus: Was Jesus God, or was he sent by God? Who was the real historical Jesus?