Islam asks us to respect others’ privacy
Respecting people’s privacy isn’t a new trend; it is one of the Islamic Ethics. Islam calls for not interfering in people’s life and respecting their own space.
Islam enjoins telling the truth
Lying is one of the great sins in Islam. Islam forbids lying no matter how difficult the situation is. It enjoins the truth and teaches us that telling the truth is the key to all the doors of happiness. Moreover, those who are truthful towards God, the prophet (PBUH), and mankind are promised heaven.
Islam respects non-Muslim rights
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), asks Muslims to treat people equally. There is no difference between a Muslim and non-Muslim in rights. Moreover, Islam enjoins Muslims to respect non-Muslims and cooperate with them to live a peaceful life.
Islam encourages us to work hard
Islam teaches us that a great part of worshiping God is working hard and benefiting mankind. There must be a balance in our lives between practicing our rituals and participating in developing our societies.
Islam teaches us that infants are God’s gift
Infants are granted to us to continually restore our faith in God’ miracles. Islam teaches people that infants are not only God’s gifts, but also a means to get closer to him. Showing mercy to infants and loving them is a step towards Jannah.
Islam honors all parents
Respecting and caring for your parents is one of the main Islamic Ethics. Islam enjoins people to be dutiful and kind to their parents no matter what they do. Moreover, one of the forms of God’s worship is obeying our parents’ orders and refraining from what they ask us not to do.
“In the name of God, the most merciful and the most gracious"
“In the name of God, the most merciful and the most gracious.”All the Qur’an’s Surahs start with two of God’s characteristics that are driven from the word “Mercy”. Have you ever thought of that?
“We have only sent you for the mercy of all worlds”
"We have only sent you for the mercy of all worlds" The form of limiting is used to clarify that the Prophet has been sent only for the sake of the human's race mercy.
"We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims "
"We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims " The holy Qur'an is all about mercy, guidance, and positivity. It has never been about violence, cruelty, or alienation. Read the holy Qur'an and you will find the proof.
use mercy and leniency to gain friendship and closeness
This is a divine recipe for dealing with human beings sent to us from above the seven heavens; use mercy and leniency to gain friendship and closeness .This is the message of the holy Qur'an.
Belief in the angels
The angels are created by Allah from light ; no-one knows their exact number but Him.Allah created them to worship & obey Him.He created them for certain tasks which the execute;they also record what man says and does all his life.
Belief in the revealed books
One must believe that Allah revealed heavenly books to His messengers to convey them to mankind.These books all people to worship Allah alone & Quran is the last book that confirms the message of Tawheed.
The Torah, Gospel, and Psalms of today are not the original ones God revealed
The Torah, Gospel, and Psalms of today are not the original ones God revealed; no originals exist, and different versions are read
People’s deeds in Islam
Islam teaches of life after death, where people will be judged for their deeds that will determine their eternal fate: Paradise or Hell
The value of paradise
If the world were free of problems, Paradise would lose its value
Destiny is a matter of a choice
Destiny is not a matter of chance, but choice. You don't wait for it, but achieve it
only God deserves worship and Muhammad is His messenger
Anyone can become a Muslim by a simple declaration of faith: only God deserves worship and Muhammad is His messenger
You can become Muslim no matter where you are in life
You can become Muslim no matter where you are in life: white, black, homeless, addicted, gay, woman, young, old, rich, or poor
Basic Islamic beliefs and practices
Islam is easy to follow. Basic Islamic beliefs and practices are summarized in 6 'articles of faith' and 5 'pillars of Islam'
6 articles of Islamic faith
6 articles of Islamic faith: belief in God, His angels, prophets, revealed books, the Afterlife, and destiny