• Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Slave to Oneself

    All humans, in the Qur’an’s own words, have a god – even if the god is the person himself. “Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire?” (Qur’an 24:43)

    Slave to Oneself
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    God is there

    You are not more difficult to see than a black ant, scampering over a black rock, under the cover of the darkest of moonless nights.

    God is there
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    The only cause of evil

    Islam does not pass off all calamites as ‘trials,' but differentiates between punishments and trials. Trials are tests of character and faith; punishments are consequences of sins and transgressions.

    The only cause of evil
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Mercy is the Base … and Forgiveness Is a Promise

    In Islam, one of God’s most emphasized attributes is mercy. All the chapters of the Qur’an except one begin with the statement “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate,” known as the Basmallah. The Basmallah is also the common statement that Muslims should recite before doing any action. It thus ingrains in them the confidence that God’s ultimate design for creation is one of care and mercy.

    Mercy is the Base … and Forgiveness Is a Promise
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    The Problem of Evil

    Atheism rejects the free will component, arguing that even if it provides a satisfactory explanation for moral evil produced by morally wrong human choices such as murder, adultery, and racism, it fails to address natural evil such as earthquakes, disease, hurricanes, and famines. This is because natural evil arises through no fault of humans, who are completely powerless to prevent it.

    The Problem of Evil
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Who Is to Say What Is Right or Wrong?

    "..The concept of moral obligation [is] unintelligible apart from the idea of God. The words remain but their meaning is gone.’” – William Lane Craig.

    Who Is to Say What Is Right or Wrong?
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Moral Rationale for Denial of God

    Atheism in its reality is a voluntary psychological position (and not a mental one) that a person adopts due to not wishing to imagine that there is a power above man to which he must submit and obey, and before which he will be accountable for his deeds.

    Moral Rationale for Denial of God
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Personalities are like metals

    Personalities are like metals. They need to be further refined into purer forms and fashioned into useful shapes.

    Personalities are like metals
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Where Does Morality Come From?

    The entire concept of morality stems from the Islamic belief that humans are significant, that their behavior and actions will count and that the pattern of this entire universe is purposeful and balanced. Humankind is not a ship without a compass in the midst of a great storm, but is secured with a set of unchangeable norms for all possible moral situations.

    Where Does Morality Come From?
  • Haya Muhammad Eid
    Haya Muhammad Eid
    Outlines of humanity in Islam

    All humans, men and women, are descended from one soul: Adam (peace be upon him). From Adam, God created his wife, Eve (peace be upon her), and from them both He created the rest of the human race, which make all human beings equally valuable in His Sight, equally subject to His Sovereignty, equally deserving of His Grace, and equally accountable to Him for their deeds.

    Outlines of humanity in Islam