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Intellectual proofs on testimonials of his prophethood
Seven Days to Read the Prophet's Biography .To make it easier for our readers and to give everyone a chance to learn about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we present the book, Muhammad: God's Messenger, in the form of seven booklets.
Textual & scriptural proofs on testimonials of his prophethood
Seven Days to Read the Prophet's Biography .To make it easier for our readers and to give everyone a chance to learn about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we present the book, Muhammad: God's Messenger, in the form of seven booklets. They provide an account of the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), from the time of his birth until he passed away after having fulfilled the task assigned to him and giving good counsel to all.
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Seven Days to Read the Prophet's Biography .To make it easier for our readers and to give everyone a chance to learn about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we present the book, Muhammad: God's Messenger, in the form of seven booklets. They provide an account of the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), from the time of his birth until he passed away after having fulfilled the task assigned to him and giving good counsel to all.
Muhammad a mercy to all nations
Muhammad, the holy Prophet of Islam, was born and grew to manhood in Arabia, a land at that time considered as beyond redemption, and in something like twenty years not only had he made of the Arabs a people of outstanding excellence both in manner and men, but he had fired them with a zeal that carried them to many lands and climes.