Islam is not just a set of rituals to be completed but an entire way of life. It provides a complete structure and guidance for every aspect of a person’s life. This can be proven by even a cursory study of the lessons found in our sources - the Quran and Sunnah.
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A Beneficial Summary of Rulings for New Muslim is a comprehensive book for the new Muslim discussing the basics of Islamic beliefs and practices.

What Brought Them To Islam?
Islam is growing rapidly in the West and around the world and is often called the fastest growing religion. In the U.S. alone, the number of Muslims has risen dramatically, from about ten thousand in the year 1900 to at least several million people today. Despite widespread misconceptions about women in Islam, a growing number of women are finding that Islam is the true religion and the best way of life. Each person who embraces Islam has a unique story and special reasons. This booklet sheds light on the four main reasons for this rapid change in the West to Islam, and it recounts the stories of some thoughtful converts to show the reasons for their conversion.

Glad Tidings
The author wanted to show the reality and essence of Islam to remove the mist from the eyes of those who believe that Islam is only the religion of Arabs,The book also sheds light on the characteristics of Islam and its merits.