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Islam Is Your Birthright
This book presents rational and logical proofs to prove that the only one who deserves to be worshiped is God alone. It presents the pillars of Islam and its faith, as well as eleven facts about the noble Prophet Jesus. The author mentions amazing facts about the Prophet of Islam (Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) and proves that he is mentioned in the Bible in nearly 30 places. One chapter proves that Islam revives some of Christ’s teachings that were abandoned by Christians. Another brief chapter explains why people in the West are motivated to enter the religion of Islam and recounts some of their stories. Finally, the author explains how one can enter the religion of Islam. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

Misconceptions and Refutations
In the Arabic original, the author gives his book the title Sabighat, borrowing the Quranic description of the coats of mail Prophet David used to make for his soldiers. In its linguistic sense, the word means ‘of good length, full covering, etc.’ The implied sense is that those coats gave proper protection. Hence, the reference in this forwards to the coats of mail as giving protection against misconception.

Just One Message!
Just One Message: is a book to those who seek the truth sincerely, honestly, and open-minded.

Introduction to Islam
Islam is the religion of Allah that was sent with all of the Prophets, starting with Prophet Adam and which was followed by subsequent Prophets, from Noah to Abraham, Moses to Jesus and all the way to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This is why we believe in and love all of the Prophets and Messengers. They all came with the same message to worship Allah alone. They came with Islam.