This booklet sheds light on the basic characteristics of those main two sources of Islamic teachings. Also included is a discussion on the Islamic moral system. Islam has unique moral teachings. They call towards the strengthening of the relationship between humans and their Lord, as well as with one another. They also call for people to correct and straighten themselves, both inwardly and outwardly.
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Absence of Priesthood in Islam
Many religions have given the religious prerogative to certain individuals to the exclusion of all others. People’s faith and worship is conditional on the consent and approval of these individuals. According to these faiths, the individuals act as intermediaries between people and God, granting forgiveness and claiming to know the unseen and consider those who oppose them doomed to utter loss and misery.

Misconceptions and Refutations
In the Arabic original, the author gives his book the title Sabighat, borrowing the Quranic description of the coats of mail Prophet David used to make for his soldiers. In its linguistic sense, the word means ‘of good length, full covering, etc.’ The implied sense is that those coats gave proper protection. Hence, the reference in this forwards to the coats of mail as giving protection against misconception.

The Purpose of Creation
The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her lifetime. Everybody, at some time or another, asks themselves the question: "Why do I exist?" or "For what purpose am I here on earth?" in this little book has shed some light on the following: Why were human beings created? What is their final destination? How can they reach that destination safely? With this short preface, I leave you to peruse the book.

Glad Tidings
The author wanted to show the reality and essence of Islam to remove the mist from the eyes of those who believe that Islam is only the religion of Arabs,The book also sheds light on the characteristics of Islam and its merits.