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Introduction to Islam
Islam is the religion of Allah that was sent with all of the Prophets, starting with Prophet Adam and which was followed by subsequent Prophets, from Noah to Abraham, Moses to Jesus and all the way to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This is why we believe in and love all of the Prophets and Messengers. They all came with the same message to worship Allah alone. They came with Islam.

what did they say about Islam?
In the past they said the truth lies in what the enemies witnessed to. This is the testimony of the non-Muslims about the great Islam, so there is no harm to you if you witnessed for the truth even if you do not yet follow it. Be fair and hear the words of the fair people..

100 Tweets about Islam
In the context of defining Islam in every way possible, we present this modern work. About 100 tweets written by Dr. Naji bin Ibrahim Al-Arfaj in English. They address non-Muslims telling them some facts about Islam, the last Divine Message sent by the Creator to humans. Osoul prepared and designed this work to be available for printing and publishing.