This booklet has been published by Osoul Center and it has 320 Tweets about Islam.
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Interactions between Muslims and Non-Muslims
Interactions between Muslims and Non-Muslims.
This is ISLAM
Aِِren’t you interested in having a much clearer picture of the most controversial religion in the media? Isn’t it worth pausing and thinking for a moment to learn about a religion, which is, according to global statistics, one of the most widespread and fastest-growing religions? Don’t you find it exciting to explore others’ cultures and explore their view of life, religion and the world around us? Won’t you give yourself the opportunity to look into well-documented information about the religion of Islam from its sources and then try to assess it, using your own reasoning and thinking? If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then this book was written for you.
Islamic Transactions
Islam is not just a set of rituals to be completed but an entire way of life. It provides a complete structure and guidance for every aspect of a person’s life. This can be proven by even a cursory study of the lessons found in our sources - the Quran and Sunnah.