Just One Message: is a book to those who seek the truth sincerely, honestly, and open-minded.
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what did they say about Islam?
In the past they said the truth lies in what the enemies witnessed to. This is the testimony of the non-Muslims about the great Islam, so there is no harm to you if you witnessed for the truth even if you do not yet follow it. Be fair and hear the words of the fair people..
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Islam Promotes Knowledge and Science
He was a distinguished doctor and philosopher whose talents and skills were at a level far beyond his time in which he lived. He described numerous medical phenomena and prescribed treatment that were previously unknown. In addition, he also promoted scientific research in medical studies and made remarkable discoveries which are still valid today. This is clear in his famous work, The Canon of Medicine, which remained the standard medical authority for seven centuries. The Canon of Medicine continued to be the standard medical text in Europe until the mid-17th century.