Prophet Muhammad: The Practical Image of Islam

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the practical image of Islam. There is no way that one can get to know Islam, the true religion of Allah, without knowing Muhammad,

AboutIslam AboutIslam
How the Prophet Treated the Youth

The Prophet’s love and mercy was extended to all youth irrespective of their background or religion.

AboutIslam AboutIslam
How the Prophet Treated New Muslims

How the Prophet Treated New Muslims?

AboutIslam AboutIslam
Who is Muhammad?

Prophet Muhammad was and supposed to be a role model for all people. He was known for his honesty, truthfulness, courage, compassion, love, care and mercy towards everyone. 

Basel Muhammad Arif Al-Mahayni Basel Muhammad Arif Al-Mahayni
Introducing the Prophet of Mercy

For mercy there was sent a Prophet. Not only to show it, preach it, and teach it, but to be it: "We have only sent you as a mercy to the worlds." (Al-Anbiya’ 21: 107).

Haya Muhammad Eid Haya Muhammad Eid
Do not grieve... Allah is with us

Do not grieve... Allah is with us.

Haya Muhammad Eid Haya Muhammad Eid
Bestowed Mercy

Bestowed Mercy.

Haya Muhammad Eid Haya Muhammad Eid
His Manners and Ethics – The Prophet’s Humbleness (PBUH)

The Prophet was humble, he did not pursue the worldly pleasures, if he wanted, it would have been his. He wanted the reward of Allah and the afterlife. So, Allah blessed him with the pleasures of this world and the hereafter.
Textual Proofs which support the Prophethood of Muhammad peace be upon him

Textual Proofs which support the Prophethood of Muhammad peace be upon him.

Osoul Global Center Osoul Global Center
The challenge of the Quran

The Qur’anic challenge to produce a work similar to it, and the inability of its contemporaries to meet it.

Bilal Philips Bilal Philips
The Story of the Quran

What is the Quran? How Quran was revealed, memorized and written down. How the words of God came to be compiled into a book.The origin of the Quran we hold in our hands today.

Aisha Stacey Aisha Stacey
The Quran on Deep Seas and Internal Waves

The Quran mentions the darkness found in deep seas and oceans. Scientists have recently discovered this darkness by means of special equipment and submarines.

islam guide islam guide