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This booklet sheds light on nine basic features of the two main sources of Islamic teachings (the Qur’an and the narrations of Prophet Muhammad). It includes a focused discussion on the Islamic moral system, which calls for preserving human rights and strengthening the relationships among humans. It shows how these teachings call upon us to improve ourselves, both inwardly and outwardly, from eighteen different aspects. It should be noted that these moral teachings were revealed from Allah; they are not the result of human work or experiences.

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Some pages which show the reality, clarity and purity of Islam and confirm that Islam can answer the critical questions which many people cannot answer.

what did they say about Islam?
In the past they said the truth lies in what the enemies witnessed to. This is the testimony of the non-Muslims about the great Islam, so there is no harm to you if you witnessed for the truth even if you do not yet follow it. Be fair and hear the words of the fair people..