The relationship between men and women in Islam is not governed by the dictates of human laws that are obviously limited by historical and geographical factors. In fact, the law governing such relationship in Islam is comprehensive and suitable for all times and places, as God Himself revealed it in the Holy Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him) taught it to humankind.
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Absence of Priesthood in Islam
Many religions have given the religious prerogative to certain individuals to the exclusion of all others. People’s faith and worship is conditional on the consent and approval of these individuals. According to these faiths, the individuals act as intermediaries between people and God, granting forgiveness and claiming to know the unseen and consider those who oppose them doomed to utter loss and misery.

Islam Promotes Knowledge and Science
He was a distinguished doctor and philosopher whose talents and skills were at a level far beyond his time in which he lived. He described numerous medical phenomena and prescribed treatment that were previously unknown. In addition, he also promoted scientific research in medical studies and made remarkable discoveries which are still valid today. This is clear in his famous work, The Canon of Medicine, which remained the standard medical authority for seven centuries. The Canon of Medicine continued to be the standard medical text in Europe until the mid-17th century.

Why Believe in a Creator
The fact of the matter is that there is yet another reason that led them to hold such belief, namely their ignorance and failure to interpret natural phenomena, but why? And what then?

What drives them to learn about Islam
Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims, with more than 250 million citizens, out of which Muslims comprise 87% of the population. Islam entered Indonesia in the sixth century AH by virtue of the good morals of Muslim traders. Not a single army reached there; in fact, Indonesia only experienced bloodshed after the arrival of the Portuguese and Dutch armies, followed by English colonialists. Muslims have remained firm upon their religion through the centuries because they embraced it by choice and conviction. In Indonesia today, there are thousands of Islamic institutes in which tens and thousands of male and female students study.